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About This Game

PICO PARK is a cooperative local/online multiplay action puzzle game for 2-8 players.

The rule is quite simple: "Get 🎅 all the keys and get to the goal and clear", but all 48 levels have special gimmicks designed specifically for 🎅 multiplayer. At most levels, different gimmicks will appear as you move forward, and you will need to consult with your 🎅 peers and think about new ways to cooperate.This version is essentially a port of the one we released on the 🎅 Nintendo Switch in 2024.However, it's not just a port, it now supports online play.The 2024 version of this link has 🎅 been renamed "PICO PARK:Classic Edition"[Flexible Level]Each level of PICO PARK can be cleared when players get the key,unlock the door 🎅 and all players reach it.But, every level requires cooperation to complete..[Battle Mode]Co-op play is the main work of this game, 🎅 but let's compete with friends in BATTLE MODE once co-op play is completed.[Endless Mode]Even if you complete all 48 stages, 🎅 you can play ENDLESS mode to aim at high score by collaborating with friends. By collaborating with friends, your score 🎅 will grow faster.[Online Play Mode]You can play together online with people who are far away from you.However, this is a 🎅 game where communication is very important, so we recommend using Discord or Zoom to play while talking.[TecoGamePad]TecoGamePad change your smartphone 🎅 turn to gamepad (for local play mode)Android: Sorry,It is no longer available.iOS: Let's have fun playing PICO PARK with 🎅 your friends!

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