If you wish to make online, mail, or telephone order purchases, you should go to jokercard.ca to register your card. Unless you register your card in advance, there may be no way an online, mail, or telephone order merchant can confirm your identity.
The Joker's use varies greatly. Many card games omit the cards entirely; as a result, Jokers are sometimes used as informal replacements for lost or damaged cards in a deck by simply noting the lost card's rank and suit on the Joker.
Throughout each Season, several new Soldiers with themed uniforms can be acquired in a number of ways, including earned through events, unlocked through Battle Pass tiers, purchased with Credits in the Store, or found in crates, bundles, or draws.
Players can acquire these new skins and items by completing featured events, seasonal challenges, and the new themed event called Phantom Conquest. By purchasing three lucky draws, players can receive a free legendary weapon skin in Call of Duty Mobile during Season 8.